How does my dog get fleas and ticks?

Fleas and ticks are obtained from the environment. So they are outside walking to go potty, or even you can bring them in, and they attach to either the pet or human clothing.

Dr. Patricia Wilfert
Haywood Animal Hospital

Can fleas and ticks spread from my dog to my home or my family?

Most definitely. Fleas and ticks love to live in our house if we're not careful, and so they can easily travel on the pet and then jump or crawl off the pet, and then set up home in your own house.

Can my dog get fleas and ticks if they're primarily an indoor dog?

Yes, easily. They can get them just from walking outside. Even if you say your dog's strictly inside, we can also bring fleas or ticks on our shoes and on our pant legs, and then most of the time the fleas prefer to actually be on dogs or cats than on humans because of all the hair they have.

Can my dog get fleas and ticks even if they're on medication?

They can. So medication to prevent fleas and ticks is not a force field. So it does depend on which one you have. They do kill within a period of time, but it's not a force field. So they can get them, but it kills them before they develop the disease that they carry.

What health problems can fleas and ticks cause in my dog?

Fleas and ticks can cause issues such as babesiosis, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and even bubonic plague.

How effective are the medications?

The medications you get through your veterinarian are extremely effective and work very well.

What's the difference between over-the-counter and prescription flea and tick medication?

Over-the-counter products can be obtained without a veterinary license. So that means they are safe if accidentally ingested. In addition, a lot of the over-the-counter have lost their patent. So we find a lot of the over-the-counter products, the fleas are actually resistant. Prescription that you get through your vet means the vet has had to see your pet. And the reason we do that is to ensure the safety of the pet, to also make sure that the product is working properly.

What different types of flea and tick preventative treatments are there?

There are several different types. The most popular is oral because it's easy, so things like Revecto or Nexgard, as well as topical such as Vectra or some other topical products.

What would my veterinarian recommend for flea and tick treatment?

It really depends on each product every veterinarian carries. But usually they recommend a good quality product. The ones we carry here include Revecto, some Pericatrio. Those are the ones that we recommend, but every vet has their own preference.

How can I identify the fleas on my dog?

So fleas are little, small, almost football-shaped things that jump really fast and move really fast. And they usually are at the base there. Ticks are eight-legged creatures because they are in the arachnid family. And they're a little circle with little legs that will move, and when they attach, they do swell.

What should I do if I see a flea or tick on my dog?

If you see a flea or a tick, I would definitely talk to, call your veterinarian and get them started on a prevention if they're not on one. If you see a tick, there are little devices you can get to help remove them. It is important to get the head out as well. Or if you're concerned, your veterinarian can definitely assist you in removing that.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (828) 697-0446, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Dog Flea and Tick - FAQs 1

Dr. Patricia Wilfert
Haywood Animal Hospital

What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks?

A lot of diseases associated with fleas and ticks include bubonic plague, which is associated with fleas. For ticks, we see Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and many other diseases.

If my dog is diagnosed with fleas and ticks, what's the treatment to get rid of them?

Your vet will recommend a preferred treatment. There are many options and many vets carry different products. Some are oral, which your dog will take by mouth, and others are topical. Some of the products we like include Simparica Trio and Bravecto.

What is the flea life cycle and why is it so important to know about this treatment?

The flea life cycle is important to know. There are actually four stages: egg, pupa, larvae, and adult. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the cycle. Knowing this is important because it affects how we treat the pet, keeping them on prevention every month or every three months depending on the product, and also cleaning up the environment to help break the cycle.

Are flea and tick treatments painful?

No, they do not hurt the pets. They are either topical or oral, so the pets do not experience pain from them.

What are the risks of the treatments?

There are sometimes risks just like any medication. Some pets may experience GI upset, and occasionally, some pets may develop seizures. However, the risks are very small compared to the problems associated with ticks and fleas.

Are there natural or over-the-counter treatments?

Most natural or over-the-counter treatments don't work well because they have to be safe if accidentally ingested by a human or pet.

How do I get rid of fleas and ticks in my home?

Fleas and ticks can be hard to get rid of when you have a large quantity. First, get your pet on a good quality flea and tick prevention. Increase the frequency of vacuuming daily if possible, spray the house with an approved product, and take the trash outside after dumping the vacuum canister. Additionally, increase the washing of bedding in the house. The key is getting pets on flea and tick prevention before an issue arises in the house.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (828) 697-0446, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram