How will getting older affect the health of my cat?

Getting older can affect the health of the cat in many ways. First, they may start to develop arthritis, becoming less mobile and experiencing more pain. Additionally, they may develop underlying health conditions such as thyroid disease, kidney disease, and heart disease.

Dr. Patricia Wilfert
Haywood Animal Hospital

How do a cat's nutritional needs change as they age?

As cats age, they may require fewer calories and might benefit from a senior diet with lower calorie content. Supplements to support joints, like glucosamine, or even some pain management, may also be necessary.

What are some signs and symptoms that your cat may be slowing down?

Signs that your cat may be slowing down include difficulty jumping on furniture, hesitation to perform activities they used to enjoy, reduced playfulness, and increased sleeping.

What are some health complications or diseases that are commonly experienced by senior cats?

Common health issues in senior cats include thyroid disease, arthritis, kidney disease, and increased urinary tract infections.

What kind of preventative care can help extend the life and health of my cat?

Year-round preventative care is crucial for senior cats. This includes vaccines recommended for your area, routine blood work every 6 to 12 months, blood pressure checks, and heart checks.

Why are wellness exams and regular checkups important for my senior cat?

Wellness checkups and routine exams help identify underlying issues that may not be noticeable to owners, such as newly developed heart murmurs or specific masses.

What tests might a senior cat need?

Recommended tests for senior cats often include blood work, urine checks, and sometimes blood pressure checks to monitor for hypertension.

What is the most important thing to know about caring for my senior cat?

The most important aspect of caring for your senior cat is to encourage their longevity by scheduling routine checkups, providing good nutrition, administering joint supplements, and consulting your vet about potential arthritis treatments.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (828) 697-0446, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram

Cat Senior Care - FAQs 1

Haywood Animal Hospital

What are some things I can do to make my aging cat more comfortable?

Things you can do include joint supplements as well as asking your vet about possible arthritis. There are some great products on the market including a product called Silencia that can really help these arthritic cats. In addition, making lower shelves so they don't have to jump as high if they'd like to get on the couch and things like that.

How do I know if my senior cat is in pain?

It is hard sometimes to know if your cat is in pain. They are a lot more difficult to determine that, but there are definitely things online that you can look at. There's something called the pain scale that gives you ideas, as well as Silencia actually has a good website that shows things to look for, monitor that show that the pet might be experiencing arthritic pain.

Does my senior cat need to be vaccinated?

Yes, we definitely recommend vaccinating your senior cat. Whether it's rabies if they're indoor or outdoor, then we also recommend FERCP and leukemia as well.

How do I know if my senior cat has a good quality of life?

It's always hard, but if your cat is having any issues, you can always discuss it with your pet—or with your vet, sorry—and then go from there.

Why does my senior cat sometimes yell at night?

Sometimes they yell because they're actually confused. We do believe this could be a sign of dementia, like in humans, like sundowners, and there are things that we might be able to do to help your cat.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (828) 697-0446, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram