Why is spaying and neutering cats so important?

It's important because it's good for the overall health of the cat. They can get pregnant and have complications from pregnancy. They can get sexually transmitted diseases from breeding. In addition, female cats can have tumors and other issues from being in heat and from pregnancy. Also, it helps prevent the overpopulation that's going on in the United States.

Dr. Patricia Wilfert
Haywood Animal Hospital

Shouldn't I let my cat have a litter before I spay her?

We don't really feel that having a litter changes their personality. That's kind of an old wives' tale that having a litter makes them calmer and happier. We recommend spaying before they go into heat and get developed and have a litter.

My cat sprays all over the house. Will neutering help?

Sometimes neutering may help if this is a testosterone behavior issue. It can. Sometimes it can't, though, if it's more of a behavioral issue or due to things like UTIs.

Will spaying or neutering be painful for my cat?

There is some pain associated with both procedures. Neutering is less painful and only requires a few days of medication. The spay, since it is an abdominal surgery, does give them a little more pain, and we do send home enough pain medications to make them comfortable.

Will spaying or neutering my cat make it less vocal?

Spaying or neutering may or may not make them less vocal. Female cats are very vocal when they're in heat, so that may decrease it. However, if they're just normally a happy, chatty cat, it may not decrease it at all.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (828) 697-0446. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram

Cat Spaying and Neutering - FAQs 1

Dr. Patricia Wilfert
Haywood Animal Hospital

What is cat neutering?

Cat neutering is essentially the removal of the testes that the cat has. Most of the time, it is just a simple procedure since the scrotal sac and the testes are on the outside body of the pet. So usually, it's a very simple, quick procedure.

What is spaying a cat?

Spaying a cat is where we actually remove the entire reproductive tract. We go into the abdomen, make an incision, and then we remove the ovaries, the body of the uterus, and the horns of the uterus.

How does spaying or neutering impact the health and well-being of my cat?

Spaying or neutering can definitely impact the well-being. Cats that are not fixed, either spay or neuter, have increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases during breeding. They tend to fight more and get diseases that way as well. As for females, they can have complications with pregnancies, and they can develop mammary cancer as well.

How will spaying or neutering affect my cat's behavior?

Spaying or neutering does not affect their behavior in a negative way. Sometimes, we may see less roaming because they're not looking to be bred, but most of the time, it does not change their behavior.

How should I care for my cat before and after the surgery?

Before and after care is very simple. Before care, usually, we recommend not feeding the night of. That's the only before care, and then after, we'll give detailed instructions, but on a neuter, it's only a couple days restriction of activity, and on female cats, it's 10 to 14 days to make sure their incision heals.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (828) 697-0446. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram